The Bunkhouse



You have a choice of exhilarating activities to choose from adrenaline-pumping world-class MOUNTAIN BIKING trails in the Coed-y-Brenin and Blaenau Ffestiniog;

GOERGE WALKING at Ceunant Llennyrch jumping into deep pools, scrambling up rock faces, sliding, jumping and abseiling down waterfalls,

ZIP WORLD Titan brings you the largest zip zone in the world, with over 8km of zip lines – share the experience with friends and family as four of you soar over the amazing landscapes.

BOUNCE BELOW the world’s first subterranean playground of its kind is set within a disused slate cavern, installed with massive bouncy nets to jump around in. These huge trampoline like nets are hung within two vast chambers at varying levels, linked together by walkways and slides, the biggest of which is a 60 foot slide.

Fancy a WALK, climb a mountain or stroll along the beach.


A pleasant walk from the farm is to Rhaeadr ddu or "the black fall,"

Rhaeadr ddu waterfalls


Many hill walkers tend to head straight to Snowdon. It is a must do as it is a fine mountain, but can become crowded, particularly with the Snowdon Mountain Railway running to the summit


However, there are also some spectacular walks in Snowdonia on the lesser known and lower mountains of The Molewyn range including Cnicht known as the Welsh Matterhorn and the Rhinog mountains popular with hillwalkers looking for a more isolated, wilder walking experience.



From the bunkhouse you can continue your way along the Wales Coast path as it passes directly past the farm. See Wales Coast path website Region C. Map 42 for detailed map of route.


While LLyn Mair near Maentworg is a popular picnic site for visitors and it also provides a starting point for a number of footpaths through woodlands to Tan y Bwlch narrow gauge railway station, and forest tracks with views of the Dwyryd river and valley.


Coed y Brenin forest is a Mountain bike Mecca. A range of routes suitable for everyone from families and novices to rocky technical trails for expert riders.

While Antur Stiniog is predominantly a downhill and freeride centre with blue, red, black and double black trails and it's possible to cover between 10 - 15 descents in one day.


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The Bunkhouse Maentwrog Gwynedd

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